Tomorrow is hopefully our last after Chemo visits to make sure her counts are back to normal, then its preparation for scan time.
I decided to occupy some of my free time by painting. I taped the hallway and cut it in tonight. It needed a fresh coat REALLY bad, we have flat paint all through our house and haven't painted it since we moved in 4 years ago. Little Fingers + Flat Paint = GROSS after awhile. So here I am painting, it feels GREAT to actually do something and freshen up our house a little bit. I am looking forward to going to garage sales this year to hopefully find some great finds to fill up some of the empty spaces we have too!
We had an AMAZING weekend as a family, we ate dinner together, we took a 3.5 hour nap on Saturday. We cleaned up the kitchen together, We laughed, we cried, and we had a really good time! :-) Each and Everyday we get to spend with these girls is a BLESSING.

I think she uses the exersaucer more than Mally does

I totally gave Jillian her first braid! WOOOHOOOO! (It's a small one but ohhh so cute)

Our Little Lamb is Cute as Can be!

The new "Wiersma" Memo board, my Mom is infact NOT allowed to paint while she watches Jill while we are off at clinic.

Jillian loves the Memoboard as well, although you can't really read gers at all.

Our Little Rock Star!