Friday, December 9, 2011

MIBG and Bone Marrow

(This picture is from the first night we brought Mallory home, it totally makes me smile. Jillian loves her little sister but she didn't know what to think at first!)

Mallory did AWESOME today, for not eating all night she was a champ. As soon as the sedation wore off she was ready for some food!!

They were able to do a successful bone marrow aspiration. So they should have the results for that hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday. The MIBG results we should know by Monday at 10am. So this weekend is all waiting and huge knots in our stomachs.

We were able to see Jillian today for a few, she is such an amazing little girl. We miss her so much, we can't wait for next week when we have a small break until Friday.

Friday is when we get the game plan on how to treat Mallory's Neuroblastoma. This will for sure entail chemo and another surgery. But we have no idea when it will start, what meds she'll be on or what to expect.

I really just want "normal" life back. So tomorrow Ryan and I are picking up Christmas Gifts for our girls, some good friends of ours gave us money just for Christmas and we are forever grateful. There was no way we were going to be able to do it without them. We <3 You guys!

Ryan and I did EMERGENCY Bath tonight, Mallory threw up ALL of her bottle, it was soooooo gross. We haven't given her a full bath since her surgery so it was super nerve wracking but we did a GREAT job!

For life not really going the way we planned it, we are trucking along and taking it day by day.


Big Day

MIBG and Bone Marrow are today. Mallory will have to be sedated for both tests and we will be there most likely all day. Please pray that they are able to get some bone marrow to test, on babies this test can be tricky because of how soft their bone marrow is.

For not eating for 8 hours Mallory is still smiling at me this morning  (not near as much as normal but I don't blame her) and went back to sleep. Hopefully she sleeps away the morning .

I totally had her giggling like CRAZY last night, I was singing my horrible song (be warned I sing when I haven't been getting enough sleep and they are usually TERRIBLE songs and I am NOT a good singer) called "Radioactive Baby" to her. She liked it, so I guess making a fool out of myself is totally worth some deep belly baby laughs.

All in all Ryan and I are taking it one day at a time, one thing we can say is that this sucks, we still haven't been able to fully process everything. It is a journey, and because of it we will be stronger people and so will our children. I will go to the end of the earth for my kids, and not that I wouldn't have before but it has been an eye opening experience. So hug your babies, give them too many kisses, be a role model, and count your blessings EVERY DAY!