The good news is the MYCN is NOT AMPLIFIED! PRAISE THE LORD!
What this means is she still in the intermediate risk category and not the high risk.
The bad news is, we start a LONG LONG course of treatment.
We will be doing 8-12 cycles. Which means each cycle is 21 days long, we are admitted to Helen Devos for 5-6 days each cycle.
This is MONTHS and MONTHS of treatment. We will be doing a CT scan every 2 cycles and an MIBG every 4 cycles.
She will be receiving heavy doses of
Cytoxan and
These will be very hard on her, she will have to be hooked up to IV
fluids the entire time we are in the hospital. She will be monitored the
entire time. And we will be doing daily
injections once we get home. And she will not feel well at all, it is a
very very very hard chemo on anyone let alone an infant.
This will equal a lot of time away from Jillian.
This will equal tons of money for hospital expenses (not medical because
Mallory is on Children's Special Health Care which takes care of her
Cancer Related Care), for the gas to and from, for food and other basic
We are not asking for a hand out but if you can help in anyway our
family sincerely appreciates it. I will be re posting "take them a meal"
this is HUGE to us. We have a long road ahead of us the next 6 months
at least, so if you can bring us something, get us gift cards for places
at the hospital, or in anyway help us we need it right now. Grocery's
for food for Jillian for when she is away from home. Small travel size
supplies are wonderful as well, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, deodorant, disposable razors, etc. ANYTHING. Help with
housework, anything, anything, anything!
I am STRESSING once again the importance of not being around our family
if you are ill at this time, we cannot delay treatment due to Mallory
getting sick. But we NEED help, so if you are well, have time please
come help us. Mallory needs all of you, she needs us, and she needs you.
We are going to fight this, we are going to keep our chins up, we are
going to get through this. It's just going to be crazy for awhile. I posted pictures from the day she was born, because this sweet baby HAS to see her 1st Birthday, she has to see many many many birthdays.
So we can celebrate just as much as the day she was born!